

Introducing a symbol of everlasting love and elegance – our Ariana ring, graced by a 6 Claw Setting and elegantly swept-up shoulders.

This exceptional ring pays homage to the enchanting allure of the round brilliant diamond, renowned for its captivating brilliance and timeless sparkle. Embodied within a secure 6-claw setting, the diamond takes centre stage, radiating light and love from every facet.

What sets this ring apart are the gracefully swept-up shoulders that delicately cradle the centre stone. These subtle arcs of precious metal add a touch of artistry to the design, creating a seamless transition from the band to the diamond. This thoughtful detail not only enhances visual aesthetics but also symbolizes the upward journey your love story is about to embark upon.

A harmonious blend of craftsmanship and artistry, this engagement ring captures the essence of your devotion. The Ariana is more than just a piece of jewellery – it's a reflection of your commitment, promising a lifetime of shared brilliance, enduring romance, and a love that continues to rise above all else.


Each ring is made with love, devoted to each client's preferences. At Micheli, we take pride in each piece that is created, from a personalised designing experience to handcrafting your piece right here within our in-store workshop. Every client is encouraged to bring their inspiration to the consultation and turn their dreams into reality.

All custom created rings are available in Platinum, 9K, 14K and 18K Yellow Gold, White Gold and Rose Gold. 


Crafting unforgettable moments with custom-made engagement rings in Melbourne, Australia. Micheli Jewellery delivers with a promise: ethically sourced, conflict-free diamonds, whether lab-grown or mined, all GIA or IGI certified. Discover your perfect ring with a touch of conscience & responsibility.